Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ideas on THINGS TO DO and PLACES TO GO during the Holidays!

The holidays are officially here with Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas next month (wasn't it summer like last week?). I don't know about you but this is my favorite time of the year! Don't get me wrong, I love summer and spring, but if I had to choose, I'd go with fall/winter! :)

Anyways, I was brainstorming on things to do and places to go during the holidays and I thought I'd share some of them with you (in addition to some suggestions I found online).

  1. Decorate. Yes, Decorate!   
This one might seem like a given, but you'd be surprised with how many people don't decorate to avoid all the trouble. Come on, it's the holidays! Get your spirit on! Nobody said you have to go overboard and lit up your house, but at least a small christmas tree in your living room to set the mood... Okay, even only a few scented candles here and there. But seriously, decorating could actually be a lot of fun and, may I add, it is a good stress reliever!

     2.  Go Tree Hunting

Image from: www.girlgonetravel.com
Why not go the extra mile and hunt for a natural christmas tree? Hand picking and cutting down your own natural, fresh, tree could turn into a fun family activity! Plus it adds a great christmas scent to your home. Sounds like a great deal, doesn't it?

     3.  Go Ice Skating!
Millennium Park Ice Rink, Chicago. Photograph by Charles Rex Arbogast/AP
What was that? But you never even learned to roller skate? Who cares! Even if you start by holding on to anything your way, Ice Skating is a great activity to do alone, with a friend, a group of friends, your boyfriend/girlfriend, or your family this winter! Plus it's lots of fun! Trust me, even if you fall a couple of times, you're likely to laugh it off and forget about it. And, no matter where you live, there has to be an ice rink near you!

     4.  Snowboarding/Skiing, maybe?

Image from: Photography Match
Image from: www.artful-nuance.blogspot.com
Alright, I know. These two are a bit more tricky because they're not as accessible as ice skating, and frankly, they seem harder. But hey, they still look like tons of fun! Personally, I've never been snowboarding or skiing, but they're in my bucket-list. This winter, perhaps?

     5.  Watch The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker | Image from: www.paballet.org
Despite all the christmas lights and the big christmas tree at your local mall, you still don't feel like it's the holidays? Then maybe you should really consider watching The Nutcracker. No, I'm not talking about the movie (although you can also watch that :), I'm talking about the live ballet performance. It is a holiday classic, so you can be sure to find performances anywhere! And I could assure you that after the show, you will be really into the holiday spirit!

     6.  Holiday Baking

Image by Emily Raho
Oh no, it's snowing or raining too hard so your plans to go out are cancelled. What to do now? Well, there are a few things you could do; like watch movies, for instance. How about some holiday baking? It is a great way to pass time and bond with your family, if they want to participate. Better yet, you get to eat some delicious treats after!

     7.  Pick up a good book and make yourself a nice cup of coffee.

Image from: www.theamericanresident.com
If you're somebody who had too much fun already and is simply looking for some alone time to relax during winter, then my suggestion is you pick a good book and make some downtime to sit on your couch with a blanket and a nice, warm, cup of coffee – or tea, or hot chocolate. Or if you love to read and are simply looking for an excuse to get your hands on a new book, this applies to you too. Even though the holidays are all about sharing with family, we all still need some time alone. Plus, it is needless to say that if you own a fire place, this activity sounds much more inviting!

     8.  Give to those in need

Let's not forget what the true meaning of the holidays is; to give. Some of us get Christmas presents every year, but others are not so fortunate. This is a great time to get rid of things you don't need anymore and give them to those in need. Collecting belongings or food with your family and taking them to a charity or food drive can be quite an activity. In addition to making others happy, we can also get a sense of self-fulfillment. It's a win-win situation!


  1. The "Big Apple", New York City
Image by Douglas Rogers
Image from: www.powertripberkeley.com
Ever since I was little and watched the Home Alone movies, I wanted to one day visit New York around the holidays because it just seemed like one of those "must do" things and "must go" places. Anyways, if you can buy a trip to the "Big Apple" around New Year, YOU SHOULD. Even if you think the city is too overwhelming, there's just too many people, you would rather spend New Year's at home, (you fill in the blank), you should still add to your bucket list a trip to NYC!

     2.  Chicago, Illinois

Image by Chicago CTB
Aside from New York, Chicago is a beautiful city to visit during winter. Not only is it filled with snow and many, many, christmas lights, but it might be a little less overwhelming than NYC during Christmas and New Year. Just a little.

     3.  Boston, Massachusetts

I never thought of Boston, but according to some articles, it is one of the best places to visit during the holidays! Why? Well from the looks of this picture, it looks beautiful and, as some quoted it, "magical"! There are tons of seasonal things to do and you can get a "true New England experience". Well, seems like I'm adding this one to my list of places I must visit.

     4.  LONDON!

Heavy snow in London during winter 2009, www.mycamerashots.com
Okay, this one is more of a place I would love to go to during the holidays. Most people usually like to make these trips abroad during summer, but not me. I don't know why every time I think of a trip to London, I want to do it over winter. Again, I don't know why. I just think it would give me the full experience of the typical "cold, rainy London", you know? Plus winter is already supposed to be cold, so...

     5.  Other Abroad, Winter Wonderland, Getaways...

Prague, Czech Republic | Image from iStockphoto
Munich, Germany | Image from: www.rearviewmirror.tv
Paris, France | Image by Corbis Images
If you can afford to travel abroad during the holidays, or if you already live there, then don't hesitate to spend your holidays in these beautiful cities. Prague, Munich, and Paris are just some examples of the many beautiful winter get-away places. Yeah, you also want to spend time with the rest of your relatives, but a few days in Winter Wonderland would not hurt anybody, would it? Judging from the images themselves, one could not be disappointed with the scenery. As long as you don't forget to pack pretty warm clothes, of course.

     6.  Disneyland/Disney World!

Disneyland during Christmas | Image from www.micechat.com
Let's finish up with two far more common places to visit during the holidays (and probably should have mentioned them earlier on the list), Disneyland or Disney World. These are probably cheaper than all the above suggestions if you live in California or Florida. Not to mention that they make the perfect winter vacation for children!

Happy Holidays!

All content copyright © 2013 - Karina Barajas unless otherwise noted.

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